Friday, February 18, 2011

Walk through the Bible in 90 days. Journey begins

I read the Bible in 90 days with about 100 follow church family members. I now started to walk through the Bible in 90 days. I have put the Bible on my  computer( thanks Kaywin) I have a tread mill and an ab lounger.
I was walking 1 mile and doing 500 abs. I decided with I listen to the required 12 pages each day and walk and use the ab lounger during that time. I will be using my time well and losing weight and inches. Today was the first day and I walked 2 miles at 2.9 mph and did 600 abs. 400 forward and 100 each side!
I currently weight 168.  watch me shrink! I have been praying for God's help and this is His solution!

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