Saturday, August 27, 2011

This a week I won't forget. August 23-27,2011

First on Tuesday we had a Earthquake.Yeah, I know, in Baltimore? It was about 150 miles away. But it shook Baltimore like mad. I was in a training class above a post office in in Arnold, Md , near Annapolis, Md.  At about  1:21 pm, the earth started moving.  I felt like a deer caught in the headlights! I paused in wonderment, I thought first the post office was being bombed, then when that didn't happen I thought a truck hit the building, I prayed and ran out of the building and I survived! now, I am waiting for  the hurricane that is about to hit between now and Sunday morning. Gary and I have brought in the  funiture in, cleaned the outside drain, praying, really praying that this storm will not knock down any of the many trees behind the house.  If it does I hope God blows them away from the house.
My grandson spent the evening with us on thrusday night and we watched part of the Ravens came, then a moive , Despeicable me, and he fell asleep and I watched the Ravens beat the redskins,, yesssss!
Today is my granddaughters 5th birthday, we will not forget Hurricane Irene, because it came on Maeve's 5th birthday!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

just finished day 30 of my walk through the Bible

The walk is going to be longer than 90 daysm But I am thank that the God Lord is given me the health to do this, I pray he will take the laziness away.

Friday, July 22, 2011

today's gratitude

I am thankful that I am a child of God.
I am thankful for the love of Christ, he has saved me from myself!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I am starting today with My gratitude diary and blog

I am thankful that God is in my life and has blessed me in many ways
I am thankful for my husband of 22 years this October 21
I am thankful for my son Sean
I am thankful for my step daughter (hear in known as daughter) Lori
I am thankful for the time I had with my Step sons, David and Erik, They are missed everyday!
I am thankful for my inlaw children, Angela and David
and all of my preicous grand children, Faith , Liam, Grace, Sean Jr, Maeve and Grace
I am thankful for my parents, Howard and Patricia, I miss Dad so much and think of him everyday. Ifeel him with me all the time, Last year when I had a seizure, My husband told me I was looking for my Dad, that's when my husband knew something was wrong, because Dad died in 2006.
I am thankful for my in laws Bernie and Dorothy, I miss Mom very much, they have treated me as a daughter from day one and are wonderful loving people. Mom left us in November just a week past her 87th birthday, she is missed daily as well. I praise God that both my Dad and My Motherin law are in the hands of the Good Lord and are pain free waiting for us to join them.
I am thankful for the life I had growing up. All the happy times and the painful times, everything leading up to today. I believe that I had to go threw every thing to be here and be the person I am today.
I am thankful for all the people that have touched my life, even the ones that walked in for the moment then left again. I cherish all my friendships, old and new.
I am blessed

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today is my 55th birthday!

It has been a great day. So hot here so I went to the pool, My tan is looking great, Got some beautiful cards, and gifts, My husband made me a wonderful dinner, grilled NY Strip Steak, baked sweet potato, salad, wine, took me out for ice cream. A friend ( Kathy) dropped by with Flowers and a card. And ary got a job offer and accepted! I am one Happy Bunny =:)

Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Been awhile

Since I last wrote, I had what I think was a very successful Fund raiser for Lupus Foundation of America, For the 1st go at it we rasied $1300, Plan on doing next year. My Sister Suzie Q, came up from FLorida to help me, Thanks sis!  I was at the bank with my father in law and my husband. They were doing a transaction and I was sitting in thelounge area looking a a table tp book, there was an older man sitting across from me, when suddenly this middle aged man came into the bank rather quickly threw down what he was carrying and fell to his knees bowing to me and saying " i'm sorry", I was stunned , My husband was too! Apparently, he was meeting the older gentleman at the bank and was late, he apparently didn't know who he was meeting and thought it was me. I say the least it was quite funny and embarassing to him. Kinda made my day, My husband doesn't bow down like that. He told the man that he was making my husband look bad. The old man said he thought this guy was goint to propose to me. I said I didn't think my husband would like that!=:) I took my life health exam and passed, I am now able to write Life Insurance is Maryland.
Was suppose to appear in court as a witness for the state against the unlicensed non english speaking person who was driving a car that did not belong to her and hit me in January. When we got to court  There was a fire truck out front. We went in the court house, up stairs, check for our court room, and was told the building was being evacuated, We went out side about 20 minutes later us with the crowd others due in court were told to get away from building, The the Annapolis Exposive team arrive with dogs, and Gary over heard some court staff saying when they heard the dog barking, they got out of the building, apparently there was a suspious package. eventually Police offciers came by and told us that the court was closed for the day. Funny I didn't see a think about it on the news.
This weekend is Father's Day.  Happy Fathers's day to my Dad who is in Heaven with his father and HIS FATHER.  I miss you papa doodles!

Monday, May 16, 2011

tough week for our Church

This past week was tough for our church, we lost two long time members. The one,Larry was a shock, he appear healthy and had a massive heart attack. The Mrs Jean had fallen and broke her arm and after that never got better and past on Friday. They will both be missed dearly. We are praying for their spouses,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Less than a week is the Crop for Life without Lupus!

I am so excited. I can hardly believe it is happening. Not to many people signed up yet. But I keep praying God will make it work , if it is His will.

It's been awhile- I took a trip down my stairs..

On Tuesday May 3rd, as I was going down stairs to continue on my walk thru the Bible, I missed a step and fell. I was rushed to Patient  First by a dear friend ( My husband was on the other side of town at the time) I was xrayed and put into a cast ( which I still have on) . Forunately, it is only sprain., no breaks or tears!!! Lots a tears !!! My Husband took wonderful care of me and I am on the mend.

Monday, April 11, 2011




Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I have had a cold and it finally beat me!

I haven't been feeling good, it happens with Lupus.It's Hard to fight off germs. I thought I was going to make it without getting sick. Not quick. Still weak but feel better. Haven't exercised in weeks. Maybe tomorrow . Read a great book, gets you thinking!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

day 13, Number 31- Duet 7. 2.miles and 800 abs

Many people have asked how can you do 800 abs. It's the Ab Lounger, it's awesome. no strain on the neck, besides the tread mill, it's the one exercise machine I actually use.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

day 6

day 6 , (it may take me longer than 90 days), but I am stilling walking 2 miles, 845 abs... Yeah

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 5 Ex 1-15

This was a long set of chapters. I walked 2 miles but did 1,100 abs... Remember muscle weighs more than fat!

day 4 Genesis 40-50

I had two bad days in a row, Monday and Tuesday. But I walked yesterday 2 miles and 800 abs. It does make me feel good afterwards.  After we finished dinner we went to the mall, had a starbucks ( thanks to my christmas gift card) and then walked the mall 1.5 miles. Yeah!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Walk Yourself Thin - David Rives

Many years ago I read this book and picked it up again last night.
The one thing I got out of it right away is the muscle weighs more than fat! I knew that, but here I am again measureing myself by the scale.. the book says not to, unless you can accept that muscle weighs moree than fat and you should judge how you are doing by your clothes.. How many times do you have to buy smaller clothes!!!!! I'm still reading the book, forunately, it's thin too!

Day 3. genesis 28-40

Day 3, I made it another 2 miles and 845 abs. I (gary) took my measurements on January 1st, because i was determined that 2011 was going to be my year.... Although I have been "dieting" since January first, I really haven't shown much of a loss. about 5 lbs., however, we just took my measurements again and I lost 2.5 inches on my waist,  and 2.5 on my hips!!!! I lost 2 inches in my left thigh and 1/2 inch on my right thigh???? my left arm remained the same and I lost an inch on my right arm. I lost 1/2 on my bust.

Not bad over all. =:)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2nd day of my 90 day walk through the Bible.

Well I've done 2 days now, walked 4 miles and did 1400 abs. Keep me going!

About Sandi

About Sandi
Sandi Genovese has a weekly showgram where she teaches new crafts ideas, whether is cards, scrapbook pages, home decor and everything in between. Check her out, it's fantastic

Friday, February 18, 2011

Walk through the Bible in 90 days. Journey begins

I read the Bible in 90 days with about 100 follow church family members. I now started to walk through the Bible in 90 days. I have put the Bible on my  computer( thanks Kaywin) I have a tread mill and an ab lounger.
I was walking 1 mile and doing 500 abs. I decided with I listen to the required 12 pages each day and walk and use the ab lounger during that time. I will be using my time well and losing weight and inches. Today was the first day and I walked 2 miles at 2.9 mph and did 600 abs. 400 forward and 100 each side!
I currently weight 168.  watch me shrink! I have been praying for God's help and this is His solution!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Scrapbook Crop for Orchard Beach Volunteer Fire Department

I went to a Scrapbook Crop to support the Orchard Beach Volunteer Fire Department. I had an awesome time. I met a lot of great people ( there was about 50 people there), Scrapbookers are great people, The person across from me ,Amy , did 45 pages! I did about 7 pages, but I spent a lot time talking to vendors, and other scrapers. Anita on my left did pages, layouts for an entire christmas scrapbook and classes. The food was great and the vendors had a make and take and two classes, One was making the perpetual Calendar. They are beautiful! Door prizes and a 50/50.  Massage Therapist! I pray that my Crop for Life With out Lupus goes as well! See you May 21, 2011!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Crop for Life without Lupus

I am sponsoring an all day crop- "Crop for Life without Lupus" on May,21,2011. It runs from 10am-9pm, The cost is $40. with food, fun, classes, raffles and door prizes included.   The crop is to benefits the Lupus Foundation of America, DC,MD,VA. LFA is very active in research and  quality of life programs for Lupus patiences. I have Lupus and have wanted to do something to help raise money. If you are or know crafters please share this information.  call me at 410-905-8847 so you can register.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Goes to show you just never know!

Today started out normally, went to work, then went to church to help feed the homeless a free hot lunch,gave some clothes the church, went to Bible Study. Then I was on my way to good will and this unlicensed driver,  but the owner did have insurance, struck my right side. If she had turned into the first lane instead of the second, where I was this could have been avoided. Now this! while is doesn't look real bad , just a year ago we were struck on I95 and totalled our crv, so this car is only a year old... that's really the sad part. I'm okay just heart broken.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow has finally made it to My part of Maryland

Finally, today we got snow, there has been threat of snow fall all winter, But today it landed ! there is about 6 inches of snow right now at 7:46pm, and still falling. I know that doesn't seem like much, but for Maryland it is. We really don't get that much on a regular basis, the last few years have been the exception. It is beautiful I will add pictures in the morning. It may not look like Michigan, but we lost power about 8:30pm and it didn't come back until 10 am this morning. Good night to snuggle!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Good Morning to another good week

Today is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24.

I love this verse, I have it cross stitched and hanging in my foyer and i see it every morning!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Judy Kay's Christian Crafts: Silhouette give away

Judy Kay's Christian Crafts: Silhouette give away: "I have wanted to put vinyl on the wall above our bed. Either my husband or I always say ' Did you kiss me yet?' each night before..."

Silhouette give away

I have wanted to put vinyl on the wall above our bed.  Either my husband or I always say " Did you kiss me yet?" each night before we go to bed. After I do that I am sure I will find many other projects. I always have projects!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ravens busted again

Sorry to say that the Ravens lost in the second playoff game for the 3rd year in a row. But they will not give up. On the up side , I crocheted a white scarf and Sunday I knitted a white hat. Then I started a black and purple afghan. I haven't given up on my Ravens.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome new Viewers to my blog- Happy New Year 2011

I am slowly moving my Website to my blog and Facebook. Check out my crafts at jkcc on facebook.

 I hope you  enjoy viewing some of my crafts and if you are intereseted, please email me, comment on this blog or facebook.